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31 best team building questions in 2021
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Building relationships with people is an important part of being successful. The benefits of good relationships are endless to both parties; they help create opportunities and therefore businesses. Do you want to know the best ways to build relationships with your employees? Have you ever wondered how to make sure your team stays cohesive and productive? These 31 team building questions will get you off on the right foot.
If you could only choose one vacation destination where would you pick and why?
Can you manage livestock, such as goats, cows and chickens?
Do you have any remote work productivity hacks?
What’s the last thing you got in “trouble” for?
What would you like to be known or remembered for?
What was the worst travel experience of your life?
Can you give a tour of your office space?
Do victims sometimes support bad things to happen?
If you could collect anything, what would it be?
What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?
What is the most clever or funniest use of advertising you’ve seen?
What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
Imagine you are a professional baseball player. What is your introduction song?
Who is in your family?
Have you ever won something as a team?
Do you have any family traditions that you look forward to each year?
If you had a boat, what would you name it?
Describe something that’s made you smile today.
Do you have a favorite sports team? (any sport)
If you could live a day as any one animal, which one would you choose?
Do you have a favorite news site?
Do you have any tattoos and what does it look like?
What emoji best describes you?
Is B.o.B. right, is the Earth Flat?
What is the silliest item you bought or considered buying?
What do you want to be remembered for after you die?
Disneyworld or Legoland?
What’s the most useful item you’ve purchased this year?
Do you have a favorite song to listen to when you need your spirits lifted?
If you had to play one album forever which one would it be?
What has really taken a toll on you?