If you are not doing a regular marketing team meeting, you need to start right away. You should be doing one at least weekly. A great agenda template for your marketing meeting can be of great help here.
Metrics (5 mins)
This is where everyone gives their updates from the week (ideally in advance). Stay away from qualitative stuff and focus on things that matter e.g.
- Website visits
- Conversion % from visit to sign up
- Demos scheduled etc
- Email marketing open rates, click rates
- Blended customer acquisition rate (CAC)
Use these 5 minutes to talk about the overall health of your marketing operations! Focus on individual distribution channels next.

Health of each distribution channel (15 mins)
This is the time for individual team members to shine. I am sure you will have different acquisition channels like Emails, SEO, Paid Ads, Social media. So it’s important to review them all individually e.g.
- What is each channel’s CAC? Is it coming down?
- How many customers did that channel give this week?
- What is the conversion rate of the channel?
- How’s the branding going? How many organic customers are you getting? And from which channel
If done well, this should spark some great conversations on what’s working and what’s not.