It sucks that I'm a week late in writing this, but finally got time today on a Sunday to do some introspection. It feels that the world around us is getting crazier every day. I am personally coping by doing what I know best - building stuff.
We're out of beta, and just went live on the Slack store! 💪🏽 Automated all manual ops e.g. filtering past data, adding new employees and more. And a new shiny website
(Will start reporting delta metrics from next month)
* MRR - 0
* Number of users - 14 managers, 95 employees in those 14 teams.
* Engagement - 463 check-in questions have gone out to these employees, with 226 answers back to the manager.
* NPS - n/a
* Runway - Mar' 21
Biggest wins
* Out of beta, launched on Slack store
What didn't go well
Lost a user - a marketing team based out of SF uninstalled the app. Trying to understand the reasons a bit better. But my current gut call is that we couldn't do a good enough job in solving their biggest need on time - the manager wanted to do weekly status update reports.
Plans for June '20
This would be a growth month for us. Get to 100 active teams, hopefully? Though I would be happy with 50 highly engaged managers.