We launched on ProductHunt on 18th June, and we finished at #8 for the day! Was hoping for better results, but maybe next time! Let's get straight to the data! If you are looking for best practices, jump to the last section.
Want to see all the traffic data? We share it publicly here.
New signups

- 1200 page views, 550 unique visits, 438 upvotes
- We got 139 new users from 37 new teams - Kaapi is an employee engagement Slack app for remote teams FYI. It is installed by team managers; who then add their employees
- Out of these 37 new teams, 12 team managers did not add any team members. They only installed the app .. Many of the PH visitors are definitely people who just like to try new products vs being serious buyers.
- On an average, a manager added 4.9 employees into their team. The previous average was 7.3!
- 91% primary goal completion (9/10 visitors clicked on the install button).. Either this data is wrong, or there is a huge demand for what we have but not everyone uses Slack for such things. I am hoping it's the latter :) Will check this properly soon!.
- We jumped from 9th page to 5th on the Slack App directory under HR & Team Culture category
- Found two new bugs in production!
A few sign-ups should continue to trickle for few days. We are now at total 332 active users, across 52 companies.
ProductHunt traffic is not high quality
- Our bounce rate during the launch day was 67% compared to past average of 50%
- But I guess this is expected. If you get a sudden traffic peak, then quality is bound to suffer. ProductHunt is already the top referrer now into our site..
Other interesting tidbits
- Even though the most amount of visitors came from United States, the most signed up users are from Asia timezones (Tokyo & Istanbul!)

- We were on #1 spot for a brief time (maybe half hour? sigh ..) but I feel that gave us a really good boost. Once you get to #5 you automatically start getting some organic traction.

Best practices & tips that worked for us
- Which guides to read - this and this should be enough! At the end of the day, it's not really a rocket science, or something that you can growth hack to no end ๐
- Should you even launch on PH - if your buyer persona doesn't fit the kind of people who frequent PH, please stay away from it. PH is majorly product managers, entrepreneurs, and marketing people who want to keep trying out new things.
- Should you have a prominent hunter - If a prominent hunter hunts your product, it will automatically go to the featured section. Otherwise it goes to the newest section. There are a few odd cases PH team might automatically pick it from newest section and feature it (especially if it gains traction fast and is a good product. I dont think this is an algo, and is done by their curation team). It does help, but apparently its not the end of the world. My last launch that bombed was without a hunter, so this time I wanted to go with one!
- Optin vs Direct ask - As much as I could, I tried reaching out to a few supporters and communities before hand to ask them if they like our product and would they be willing to help us spread the word.
- Is it ok to directly ask for upvotes - Kinda ok, if you are not a douchebag about it! Dont spam too much. And stay away from copy pasting across FB and Slack groups. I tried my level best to drop in a personalised note for that community when I reached out to them.
- Timezones matter - After talking to a few people who had successful launches, I have tried to make sure that I do a sustained burst of messages to my network over the entire day e.g. I did Linkedin post right after going live, but waited for few hours to write an article on Linkedin about my experience.
That's all! But I guess most importantly, just have fun out there ๐I had a lot of fun connecting with old friends & network.